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The Heart Culture Program
– Imagine if all children could truly experience their own worth!

The way we meet - our attitudes and values - affects our interaction. The starting point for learning and development is the best when the child is in an environment that feels safe and good. Every child we meet allows us to communicate with smiles, a hug, or kind words such as “we like you a lot” and “you are valuable.” Affirmation ensures they become secure and confident and develops good social and relational skills.  

The Heart Culture program concentrates on social competence. It is a detailed and practical program designed for effortless incorporation into the plans and operation of the kindergarten. It contains suggestions for activity plans and material that open for several ways of approaching different topics, adjusted to your group of children. The material consists of illustrated dialogue cards, action cards, emotions cards, and illustrated stories and themes. It also has a book containing extra stories that can be used to elaborate on various topics and a guide describing the issues and activities.

The Heart Culture Program divides social
competence into three categories or ways of the heart:


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