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Hopp til innhold

From left Jarle Waldemar, Karina Waldemar, Lasse Rosten

Lasse Rosten
Global Business Developer and Concept Leader

Thomas Ølstørn
Global Quality and Implementation Lead

Karina Waldemar
Developer of Concept and Pedagogy 
– General Teacher Training Programme

Jarle Waldemar
Developer of Concept and Pedagogy. Lead pastor in Philadelphia Church in Drammen, Norway. 
– Master of Practical Theology, and PhD candidate in Practical Theology
– General Teacher Training Programme 

We offer:

We want to inspire and support kindergartens/ECD centers worldwide. We may assist with:

• The Heart Culture program.
• The Creation program.
• Training in how to use the programs/Implementation.
• Different courses for employees.
• In some cases, we can be interested in ECD center start-ups.
• Resources for churches and Sunday schools.

Today, Creation has interconnected with ECDs (Early Childhood Development centers)
in Norway, Finland, Uganda, South Africa, and Peru, approximately totaling 15,000 children.


About us

It all started in 2001 with one kindergarten/ECD center. Within a few years, our concept grew to 24 units. During this period, we refined the content and how to operate more efficiently. We also joined Norway’s largest ECD center company and established a national network connecting Christian ECD centers. Today, you will find the philosophy, the way of learning, and the Creation curriculum in nearly 100 units all over Norway – about 5000 kids.

In corporation with partners worldwide, we want to give every child the best foundation in life. Our Norwegian head office is a part of one of Europe’s most prominent educational companies, giving us access to a dedicated and professional early childhood development environment. We have profound respect for our work and how it affects the children. The task is formidable, and we meet it with humility yet determination to fulfill the child’s holistic needs daily.

“Our life and passion are about reaching as many children as possible and helping them experience that they have intrinsic value and are created with a purpose. A good set of values, social competence, and relational skills learned in early childhood will last a lifetime and determine how they live their lives.”



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