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The Creation Program
– A Good Childhood Lasts for Generations

We believe that every child is created uniquely and with a purpose. We want to give each child a set of good values, social competence, and relational skills that last a lifetime. We believe that some values and attitudes support wise choices, and we are grateful to contribute to conveying the Christian approach to life.

The Creation Program aims attention to Bible stories and Christian values. Through Bible stories, songs and music, interactive play, sensory training, dialogue, curiosity, and creative enthusiasm, we imprint ethics the children benefit from in their everyday life. Some integral values include dignity, gratitude, forgiveness, equality, respect, and solidarity. The Creation program is systematized in 17 different Bible stories. Each story contains beautiful Bible illustrations, circle time ideas, and daily activities suggestions.

Through Bible stories and Christian values, we focus on:

One of the subjects is how God created each person and how unique the individual child is. We ponder creation, where we come from, and who God is. We immerse ourselves in various aspects of creation and design multiple expressions. Among other things, we get to know planets, gravity, plants, animals, and the body.

We focus on friendship, interaction, and empathy. How can we infect each other with goodness and joy? Jesus wanted to be friends with everyone, even those no one liked.

We focus on caring for each other and that everyone has something to contribute and share. We learn how Jesus treated other people and some of the stories He told. How can we contribute to making the world a better place for everyone?


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