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We want every child to experience that they are valuable and created with a purpose.

We look for and create the moments, big or small, where we can build self-worth, friendship, and compassion with the children and their parents. We use “The Heart Culture program” to focus on social competence and relational skills.​


Through bible stories and christian values, we focus on Self-worth, Friendship and Compassion. ​

1) Heart Culture and Compassion
– The Heart Culture Program

2) Bible Stories and Christian Values
– The CREATION Program

Play-based learning
– A universe of activities and ideas


We believe that every child is created in the image of God, and created with a purpose.

We use stories from the bible and other activities to build self-worth, friendship, and compassion. We use ”The CREATION program”. All of our interactions come from the perspective of “I have a heart for you”.


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